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Multiclicker2 v2.4.4
November 7th, 2013 by spyware
What’s new

Added an option to remove duplicate proxies in proxy batch dialog.
Accounts with missing sites can no longer be started.
Fixes regarding account login details.
Added Log out button to the Builder, this calls the AbstractSite.logOut() method (default one clears all cookies).
Builder now keeps the site account between project runs, opening/creating a project removes the account.
Fixed AbstractSite.showCaptchaDialog() ignoring solverAllowed parameter.
Fixed AdvertParser.parse() not parsing allowed URLs with different host than that of the surf page.

Multiclicker2 v2.4.3 
September 8th, 2013 by spyware
What’s new

Added support for limiting number of concurrently running accounts.
Added refresh button to captcha dialog, enabled only for sites that explicitly allow it (see changes in API below).
Allowed replacing an existing browsed with the captured one – based on name.
Slightly changed focus handling in captcha/text dialog.
Removing any number of accounts now require confirmation, not only for 2 or more.
Fixed not aplying translation on startup.
Hopefully fixed proxy switching leaking previous persistent connections causing previous proxy being used instead of the current one.
Fixed Builder Wizard not resetting Additional form values and Verify page query variables patterns before loading Wizard project.
Fixed AbstractSite.showCaptchaDialog() JavaDoc stating that setting default text disables automatic solver – it does not.
Added variants of AbstractSite.showCaptchaDialog() and AbstractSite.showClickCaptchaDialog() to allow and handle refresh button in captcha dialog.
Added BitCoin (BTC) currency to Builder with 1BTC=100USD ratio.
Added more account statuses and a click mode, see AbstractSite.Status and AbstractSite.ClickMode API JavaDoc.
Added actions to SimpleSite.Action reflecting some new statuses.

Few minor tune ups and fixes.

Version 2.4.2
I feel I should point out that v2.4.1, v2.4.2 and all following sites and solvers are compatible with v2.4.0 unless you use some feature (class/method/field) not present in the previous versions. In that case I would recommend checking the Multiclicker2 version at the beginning of all entry points using such new feature and stopping with the proper error when the version is not met.

Also don’t forget that Multiclicker2 2.4.0 and newer require at least Java 7 to run.

What’s new

Accounts are not saved anymore if their sites are missing.
Builder now behaves the same as sites when running a solver, especially when trying to report captcha validity.
Fixed click captcha region height limit and automatic width computation.
Fixed not hiding toolbar on startup when disabled in settings.
Fixed NullPointerException while choosing a solver for an account when two or more solvers of the same type are present.
Added getUserAgent() method to Page.

Version 2.4.1
Those of you still using v2.3.0 for whatever reasons and wanting to get rid of startup version notification, please start Multiclicker2 with -nocheck or -silent parameter (see -help for more).

What’s new

Added 2 more POST formats: ByteArrayPost and InputStreamPost.
MultipartPost can now contain InputStream parts as well.
Added more cleanup code, connections should not leak anymore.
Hopefully fixed a very rare exception when using automatic redirection.

Version 2.4.0
This is a major release. Please backup your accounts and sites whole MC2 directory before downloading this version, Multiclicker2 will update formats of all accounts, sites, proxies and browsers and merge its settings into one INI file – these changes are incompatible with previous versions, Multiclicker2 will not backup original files.

Sites bypassing security layer or using unsafe operations will not work anymore. Contact your developers and ask them for updated site.

What’s new

Java 7 is now required to run Multiclicker2.
Introduced captcha solvers.
Added support for HTTPS proxy.
Hardened security layer.
Reworked captcha dialog, now site message dialog.
Introduced click captcha (use selects a region from an image).
Sites may now show textual messages to user (please use English language).
Sites (and solvers) projects may now define list of additional required domains.
Projects may now change and view their ID.
Improved browser headers capture.
Updated default browser headers to Google Chrome 27.
OCR can now call external methods.
Updated libraries.
Redesigned POST handling.
Added ability to add custom HTTP headers.
Added ability to disable/enable internal HTTP redirection handling.
Added Rhino as JavaScript engine.
Changed command line parameters, start Multiclicker2 with -help parameter to see them.
Fixed changing proxies when two proxies are of a different type.

Many more fixes and improvements.

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